Digestive Health

Our digestive tract is technically outside of our body, a long tube that takes in substances and sorts them for us so nothing harmful gets into our bloodstream. In addition to digesting food, our gut is also where 70-80% of our immune cells live. Bacteria and food are kept outside of our body, in the digestive tract, and are only aloud to pass the gut lining and into the bloodstream if deemed safe. A diversity of beneficial bacteria in the digestive tract helps keep proliferation of microbes in check. Immune cells in the gut lining, called Peyer’s Patches’, help identify harmful invasions.

How much do you think all the bacteria in our body weigh?

Prof. Simon Carding, Leader of the Gut Health and Food Safety Research Programme, Institute of Food Research and Norwich Medical School at the University of East Anglia, describes our current understanding of the human gut and its relationship with its human host and...

How do you test for Leaky Gut Syndrome?

Do you suspect you have leaky gut but you want to know for sure?  That's understandable since treating leaky gut can take a lot of effort.  These tests may offer you peace of mind that you are treating your health effectively and efficiently.  Here are four tests you...

Gut microbes are in constant cross-talk with our brains

I’d just gotten used to the idea that I’m a walking mountain of microbes. The sizzling field of research into the microbiome — our full complement of bugs — is casting new light on our role as homes to the trillions of bacteria that inhabit each of us. At least most...

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